Security Practices

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Document Owner : Gareth Jones
Last updated :
April 26, 2022



We take security seriously here at Sparrow Connected. And for good reason: every person and team using our service expects their data to be secure and confidential. We understand how important the responsibility of safeguarding this data is to our customers and work to maintain that trust. For more information on our commitment to providing secure services, please see our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in Sparrow Connected, please get in touch with our security team.

Security Practices

We take the security of your data very seriously at Sparrow Connected. If you have additional questions regarding security, we are happy to answer them. Please write to and we will respond as quickly as we can.

Personnel Practices

Sparrow Connected conducts background checks on all employees before employment, and employees receive security training during onboarding as well as on an ongoing basis. All employees are required to read and sign our comprehensive information security policy covering the security, availability, and confidentiality of the Sparrow Connected services.


We place strict controls over our employees’ access to the data you and your users make available via the Sparrow Connected services, as more specifically defined in your agreement with Sparrow Connected covering the use of the services (“Customer Data“), and are committed to ensuring that Customer Data is not seen by anyone who should not have access to it. The operation of Sparrow Connected  requires that some employees have access to the systems which store and process Customer Data. For example, in order to diagnose a problem you are having, we may need to access your Customer Data. These employees are prohibited from using these permissions to view Customer Data unless it is necessary to do so. We have technical controls and audit policies in place to ensure that any access to Customer Data is logged.

All of our employees and contract personnel are bound to our policies regarding Customer Data and we treat these issues as matters of the highest importance within our company.

Product Security Practices

New features, functionality, and design changes go through a security review process facilitated by the security team. In addition, our code is audited with automated static analysis software, tested, and manually peer-reviewed prior to being deployed to production. The security team works closely with development teams to resolve any additional security concerns that may arise during development.


The environment that hosts the Sparrow Connected services is subject to the rules and regulations of the Microsoft Azure Trust Centre. You can read their full requirements here.

Security Features

In addition to the work we do at the infrastructure level, we provide administrators of paid versions of the Sparrow Connected services with additional tools to enable their own users to protect their Customer Data.

Access Logging

Detailed access logs are available both to users and administrators. We log every time an account signs in, noting the type of device used and the IP address of the connection.

Deletion of Customer Data

Sparrow Connected provides the option for owners to delete Customer Data at any time during a subscription term. Within 24 hours of initiating deletion, Sparrow Connected completely reviews all information from currently-running production systems.

Data Encryption In-Transit

The Sparrow Connected services support the latest recommended secure cipher suites and protocols to encrypt all traffic in transit.

Account and Password Management

All accounts have multi-factor authentication enabled (where possible) and passwords are stored in a password management system with industry standard encryption. Passwords have industry standard complexity requirements and cycled every 90 days.

Privileged accounts that allow access to production is restricted to the SRE team and developers do not have access to production systems. Privilege account usage is allowed on an as needed basis.

Anti-virus and Anti-malware Protection

All employee workstations and service storage accounts are protected using Microsoft Intune Endpoint Protection and data is backed up using Microsoft OneDrive.

Security Training

All employees have attended a security training program, designed to educate them on fundamental security risks. At a minimum the training program covers the following topics –

  • External phishing attack / Ransomware
  • Securing home networks
  • Public WIFI networks
  • Social media policies

Questions or concerns?

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about Sparrow Connected's Security practices.